In-car DVD players are the current new toy in the in-car technology market. There a number of varieties on offer, including portable DVD players, in-dash players and stand alone players. The latter is far by the easiest to add to your car, as you don't have to fit any new components. Yet, there is still some wiring required when hooking up a screen to a stand alone player.
Hooking up screens can be quite difficult for those not familiar with installing electronics, yet, it still can be done. Here are a few tips to help you install that screen in the head rest...
Read the manual: Although new components are not needed, you will however be expected to hook it up to a power supply and the DVD player, so make sure you read the installation manual for the screen and the your new stand alone player. Before you install the screen, make sure you have on you screws, wires and at least a medium strength adhesive.
Leave plenty of time: It's important to set aside a day or so to complete this task so that it is done to the best of your abilities.
Be tidy: It's important to keep your wires tidy as you will be fitting a lot of wires. First of all, you will have to remove the fitted headrest and then run the power and connection wires down the hole, so be careful not to mix these wires up.
Keeping the equipment and tools in order is also a good way to minimise the risk of losing parts and tools. It speeds up the process, as well as minimising the risk of you connecting the wrong parts together.
Tidy the wires away: If you want to run the wires under the car's carpet, so that no wires are visible, this can be done by removing the seat cushion, if removable, by pulling the wire through and then finally running it under the carpet. This then can be connected to the power supply and DVD player.
Hooking a standalone DVD player is much easier than installing an in-dash player, but you still must be very careful when installing this player, as it is still very easy to lose parts and connect the wrong parts together.